
~ / Posts

Posts on Various Topics

Here are various posts I've written on random topics! Some things I want to write about (if I ever have the time) include: TTRPGs and TTRPG design, how to write various ML algorithms, PL modeling, and more!

Work In Progress

Esterel in Racket Part 2
A Brief Retrospective

Modeling Futures
Modeling the Semantics of Future in PLT Redex

June 2024

Cheney's Algorithm Playground | 05 Jun 2024 | Series: Garbage Collection
The Garbage Collector We Wrote, Running in the Browser

May 2024

Semi-Space Garbage Collection Part 2 | 28 May 2024 | Series: Garbage Collection
A Deep Dive into Implementing a Two-Space Copying Garbage Collector

Semi-Space Garbage Collection Part 1 | 27 May 2024 | Series: Garbage Collection
A Deep Dive into Implementing a Two-Space Copying Garbage Collector

Garbage Collection (But With Math) | 23 May 2024 | Series: Garbage Collection
Mathematically Modeling Garbage Collection

Garbage Collection, Broadly | 23 May 2024 | Series: Garbage Collection
An Introduction to Garbage Collection

Mar 2024

Esterel in Racket | 26 Mar 2024
Synchronous Reactive Programming